Category Archives: Metal Recycling

  1. Dump of scrap metal and old household appliances

    How to Recycle Metal from Household Appliances

    Do you have old, broken, or unused appliances cluttering your garage or basement? Before you toss them in the trash, consider the valuable metals hiding within them. Recycling metal from household appliances not only helps reduce waste and conserve resources but can also put some cash in your pocket.

    Let’s explore the process and discover how you can contribute to a sustainable future.

    Why Recycle Appliances?

    Household appliances are treasure troves of recyclable metals. The average appliance contains a significant amount of steel, aluminum, copper, and sometimes even brass. Recycling these materials:

    • Reduces Waste: Keeps large appliances out of landfills, conserving valuable space.
    • Conserves Resources: Decreases the demand for mining new metals, reducing energy consumption and pollution.
    • Economic Benefits: Some recycling centers offer payment for scrap metal.
    • Environmental Stewardship: Minimizes the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new appliances.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Recycling Appliances

    Identify Recyclable Metals

    • Steel: Found in appliance frames, bodies, and internal components.
    • Aluminum: Used in motors, wiring, and trim pieces.
    • Copper: Present in wiring, motors, and tubing.
    • Brass: Occasionally found in valves and fittings.

    Prepare Appliances for Recycling

    • Unplug and Disconnect: Ensure all appliances are safely disconnected from power sources and any water or gas lines.
    • Remove Hazardous Materials: If dealing with refrigerators or air conditioners, it’s crucial to have a professional remove harmful refrigerants before recycling.

    Find a Recycling Center

    • Search Online: Look for local recycling centers or scrap yards that accept appliances.
    • Check with Your Municipality: Your city or county may have designated drop-off locations or special pick-up services.

    Transport and Drop Off

    • Arrange Transportation: Depending on the appliance size, you might need a truck or trailer for transport. Some recycling centers offer pick-up services for a fee.
    • Get Paid: Many scrap yards pay for scrap metal based on its weight and type. Be sure to inquire about their pricing structure.

    Important Considerations

    • Safety First: Always prioritize safety when handling appliances. If you’re unsure about disassembling or moving an appliance, seek professional assistance.
    • Environmental Impact: Recycling appliances significantly reduces their environmental footprint. By choosing to recycle, you’re actively contributing to a cleaner, greener planet.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Q: Where can I recycle appliances?

    A: You can find local recycling centers and scrap yards that accept appliances by searching online or checking with your municipality. Many communities have designated drop-off locations or offer special pick-up services.

    Q: Is it worth recycling appliances?

    A: Absolutely! Recycling appliances not only helps the environment but can also be financially rewarding. Many recycling centers offer payment for scrap metal based on its weight and type.

    Clean Up and Recycle With Action Metals

    Recycling metal from household appliances is a simple yet impactful way to make a difference. By following these steps, you’re not only decluttering your space but also contributing to a circular economy and a sustainable future. So, the next time you have an old appliance, don’t let those valuable metals go to waste – recycle them and give them a new life! Contact Action Metals today to learn more about our recycling services.

  2. Scrap Metals Found in a Commercial Garage

    How Scrap Recycling Benefits Your Business

    In today’s business landscape, sustainability and responsible resource management are more than just buzzwords—they’re critical components of a successful business strategy. For businesses in Dallas, TX, and beyond, partnering with a reliable scrap metal recycling facility to offload steel, aluminum and more, offers numerous benefits. 

    From financial gains to enhanced brand reputation, here are compelling reasons why incorporating scrap metal recycling into your business operations is a smart move.

    Revenue Generation with Scrap Metal Recycling

    One of the most immediate benefits of scrap metal recycling is the potential for revenue generation. Your business’s discarded metal—whether it’s steel from construction projects, copper wiring, aluminum extrusions, or brass fittings—can be turned into a valuable commodity. Action Metals Recyclers offers competitive prices for various metals, ensuring you get the best return on your recyclables.

    By recycling scrap metal, you can create a new income stream. Instead of letting surplus materials end up in a landfill, you can convert them into a source of revenue. 

    Working with our recycling crew can play a massive role in stabilizing your financial base, making your business less dependent on the cyclical nature of its core products or services.

    Environmental Stewardship

    Environmental concerns are increasingly influencing consumer and business decisions alike. Recycling scrap metal significantly reduces the environmental impact of metal production. For instance, recycling aluminum saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce it from raw materials, translating into substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

    Moreover, recycling reduces the need for mining, which is energy-intensive and often harmful to the environment. 

    By recycling scrap metals, your business can help preserve natural habitats, reduce pollution, and contribute to a healthier planet. 

    Enhanced Brand Image

    In an age where consumers are increasingly concerned about environmental issues, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can enhance your brand’s image. Businesses that prioritize scrap metal recycling can attract environmentally conscious customers who value sustainability. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and a stronger brand reputation.

    Additionally, incorporating recycling initiatives into your marketing strategy can set your business apart in a crowded marketplace. Highlighting your commitment to environmental stewardship can be a key differentiator, making your business more appealing to consumers who prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions.

    Legal and Regulatory Compliance

    Environmental regulations are becoming stricter as governments strive to combat climate change and promote resource conservation. By integrating scrap metal recycling into your operations, you can ensure compliance with these regulations, reduce the risk of legal penalties, and position your business as a responsible industry leader.

    Staying ahead of regulatory requirements mitigates compliance risks and demonstrates your business’s proactive approach to environmental responsibility. This can enhance your reputation with stakeholders, including customers, investors, and regulatory bodies.

    Efficient Resource Management

    Recycling scrap metal is a cornerstone of efficient resource management. Using recycled materials in manufacturing uses less energy and is often more cost-effective than producing new materials from raw resources. 

    Participating in scrap metal recycling also contributes to a circular economy, where resources are continually reused and recycled, minimizing waste. This approach supports sustainability goals and fosters collaboration between businesses as they exchange recyclable materials, leading to more efficient resource utilization across industries.

    Partnering with Action Metals Recyclers for Your Brand’s Benefit

    Action Metals Recyclers offers comprehensive recycling solutions that make recycling scrap metals for businesses easy. All you have to do is schedule a drop-off, sort your scraps, head to our Dallas facility, and get paid!

    Our goal is to provide your business with convenient, financially rewarding recycling services that support your sustainability goals. By partnering with Action Metals Recyclers, you can transform your scrap metal into a valuable asset, contributing to your bottom line and the environment.

    Contact us today for more information on how Action Metals Recyclers can help your business benefit from scrap metal recycling. Let’s work together to turn your scrap into a valuable resource, boosting your business and protecting the environment.

  3. Image of a Circular Economy

    Scrap Metal Recycling and the Circular Economy Wheel

    At Action Metals Recyclers in Dallas, we understand that the traditional “take-make-dispose” economic model is unsustainable in the long run. Our planet’s finite resources are being depleted at an alarming rate, and the mounting waste is taking a toll on the environment. The time has come to embrace a new way of thinking. Enter the circular economy that prioritizes resource efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable practices.

    The circular economy is an economic model that aims to keep materials and products in use for as long as possible, extracting maximum value from them before recovering and regenerating them at the end of their service life. 

    Unlike the linear economy, which follows a straight line from resource extraction to disposal, the circular economy is a closed-loop system that minimizes waste and promotes the continual reuse and recycling of resources.

    At the heart of this circular economy lies the concept of recycling, and scrap metal recycling plays a crucial role in this endeavor. Metals are highly valued resources that can be recycled repeatedly without losing their properties, making them ideal candidates for a circular economy approach.

    The Scrap Metal Recycling Process: A Sustainable Solution

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we understand the importance of responsible scrap metal management and incorporate our recycling process into the key concepts of a circular economy. Here’s a look at how our process helps complete the circle.

    Resource Conservation

    By recycling scrap metal, we reduce the need for mining and extracting new raw materials from the earth. This helps to preserve finite mineral resources and mitigates the environmental impact of mining operations.

    The mining and extraction of metals like steel, iron, aluminum, and other minerals have significant environmental impacts. Some of the issues our recycling process helps stop include:

    • Air pollution
    • Water pollution
    • Soil contamination
    • Habitat destruction
    • Energy consumption
    • Water consumption, and more!

    Energy Savings

    Let’s get deeper into the energy savings part of the equation. Producing metals from recycled scrap typically requires much less energy than extracting and processing raw materials. For example, recycling aluminum requires about 95% less energy than manufacturing it from bauxite ore. These energy savings translate into lower greenhouse gas emissions and a smaller carbon footprint.

    Waste Reduction

    By diverting scrap metal from landfills and incinerators, recycling reduces the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of, conserving valuable landfill space and reducing the environmental impact of waste disposal.

    Closed-Loop Recycling

    In a truly circular economy, metals recovered from recycled scrap would be continuously recycled back into new metal products, creating a closed-loop system where the materials are continuously reused and recycled, minimizing the need for new resource extraction.

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we are committed to playing our part in building a sustainable circular economy. We work closely with businesses, manufacturers, and individuals in the Dallas area to ensure that scrap metal is responsibly collected, processed, and recycled, contributing to resource conservation and environmental protection.

    Scrap for a Sustainable Future, With Action Metals Recyclers

    The transition to a circular economy is not just a responsibility for businesses and industries; it also requires the active participation of individuals and communities. By making conscious choices to recycle scrap metal and support companies that prioritize sustainable practices, we can all contribute to building a more sustainable future.

    Whether you’re clearing out scraps after a big move or are getting rid of a junk car on your property, Action Metals Recyclers is here to offer top dollar on all of your scrap metals.

    We want to see the world thrive and encourage our customers in the Dallas community to join us in this journey towards a circular economy. Together, we can make a significant impact by diverting valuable metal resources from landfills and promoting their responsible reuse and recycling.

    Join us as we strive to create a world where resources are valued, waste is minimized, and the circular economy becomes the norm. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.

    Contact us today to learn more about our recycling process.

  4. Scrap Metal Recycling Centers Safety

    Are Scrap Metal Recycling Centers Safe?

    Of all the common myths about scrap metal recycling, the idea that recycling centers are unsafe or risky persists most stubbornly. This myth continues to stop many people from enjoying the rewards of metal recycling. 

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we aim to provide a secure, welcoming environment to all of our customers. Join us as we analyze why the “unsafe scrap yard” myth exists and debunk it with facts about our industry and Dallas recycling center.

    Why This “Scrappy” Myth Exists

    There are a few reasons the myth of unsafe scrap yards continues to spread misinformation. First, some people base their perception on outdated stereotypes from decades past. 

    Unregulated, ramshackle junkyards used to dot the rural landscape. They lacked safety protocols, organization, and professional service. Outdated movies and TV shows often depict these types of scenes, further ingraining the stereotypes in people’s minds. 

    Secondly, not all current recycling centers prioritize safety and customer service. Lower budget operations may have messy, cluttered facilities and inadequate security measures. They rely on customers to do their own lifting and transporting without assistance. 

    Finally, the nature of scrap materials triggers assumptions about danger or risk. After all, sharp, heavy metal objects can harm people if not handled properly. 

    Why Modern Scrap Metal Recycling Centers Are Safe

    When you understand how most professional scrap metal recycling locations operate today, any notion of them being unsafe quickly evaporates. Here are some of the ways modern scrap metal facilities and our Dallas scrap metal recycling center keep customers secure:

    Strict Safety Protocols

    Workers wear appropriate safety gear such as hard hats, reflective vests, steel-toed boots, and gloves to prevent injury. OSHA regulations around equipment operation and material handling are followed closely. 

    When you work with Action Metals, you can rest assured that we never compromise safety to rush through an efficient drop-off and payout.

    Clean, Well-Organized Facilities

    Top-notch recycling centers invest in spacious, well-planned facilities. Materials are neatly sorted by type instead of scattered haphazardly about. Orderly work zones prevent customers from wandering into unsafe areas. At our facility, we offer ample room to maneuver vehicles and unload materials. There’s no scrap littered around our working space. We are clean, well-organized, and ready to accept your scrap metals!

    Sophisticated Equipment

    A scrap metal facility is as efficient as the quality of its facility and equipment

    At our location, advanced tools, magnets, and sorting machines separate valuable metals efficiently while protecting workers. Our state-of-the-art scales, testing equipment, and pricing tech ensure fair payouts for every pound. 

    Experienced, Well-Trained Staff

    Friendly employees have deep knowledge of safe scrap handling. When you work with our facility, we provide excellent customer service while protecting visitor safety. 

    Our staff are trained to operate equipment properly and assist customers in moving materials. We even provide complimentary transportation services to further ease the recycling process.

    Achieve a Secure Recycling Experience With Action Metals

    As one of Dallas’ premier metal recycling centers, Action Metals Recyclers prioritizes both safety and customer service. We invest heavily in our facility, equipment, and personnel so you can recycle with total peace of mind. The best part is, at the end of the day, you’ll walk away with the best scrap prices in Dallas.

    Ready to make the most of your scrap metals? Contact us today to learn more about our services.

  5. recycle brake rotors

    Can You Recycle Brake Rotors?

    The short answer is, yes! Brake rotors are an excellent source of scrap metal that can be recycled for cash at our Dallas recycling center


    Made primarily of iron, brake rotors also contain small amounts of other metals like copper, nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. By properly prepping your old brake rotors for recycling, you can get the best price for your metal scrap. 


    Let’s take some time to walk you through the prep process step-by-step and ensure you get the most bang for your brake rotors.

    Assess the Rotors

    Before you schedule a drop-off or pickup with us, start by examining your brake rotors to determine their condition. 


    Look for excessive rust, warped surfaces, or cracks that would lower their scrap value. This process should involve some minor cleaning, like scraping off any built-up grease, oil, or grime with a putty knife. 


    Avoid using harsh chemicals that could contaminate the metal. You want to get it to us in the purest, best condition possible.


    Finally, wipe your rotors clean with a rag and get ready for the next step. 

    Remove Attachments  

    Much like recycling radiators or other metal car parts, you want to get rid of any attachments that won’t fairly contribute to your final scrap weight and payout.


    Detach any backing plates, caliper brackets, or other non-metal pieces attached to the rotors using the appropriate tools. These items are typically made of non-ferrous metals or plastic and have little to no scrap value. 


    Set them aside for separate recycling. You want the purest iron rotors possible to maximize your payout. 

    Cut Down Large Rotors

    If the brake rotors are very large, consider cutting them down for easier transport. Use a metal cutting blade on an angle grinder or chop saw to slice the rotors into smaller sections. Wear safety glasses and work gloves when cutting. Try to make straight cuts across the rotor surface to create flat even pieces. Cut pieces should weigh no more than 50 pounds for manageability.


    However, if cutting your ferrous scraps isn’t in the cards, our team can come to you and provide safe and simple transport to our scrap metal recycling facility.

    Gather All of Your Materials

    Don’t stop at your rotors for your big payday! Collect any other scrap metal pieces you wish to sell to make one trip. This could include scrap computer cases, metal signage, old dumbbell weights, unused aluminum extrusions, or other metal objects. 


    Avoid mixing different metal types to ensure fair payment. For example, keep aluminum pieces separate from steel and iron. Clean all items to remove grime, plastic, or rubber pieces. Anything attached decreases the scrap value. 

    Transport Your Rotors for Drop-Off


    If you want to drop off your rotors, we’re open seven days a week and ready to help. With an appointment confirmed, safely load your sorted scrap piles into your vehicle for drop-off. 


    Transport large pieces securely strapped down. Use sturdy containers for smaller items. Clearly label each container by metal type if bringing mixed loads. Drive carefully as metal scraps can shift in transit.  


    Upon arrival, our team will guide you to our scale to get a total scrap weight. We’ll then inspect your loads and assess current market rates. Never fear; whatever the market rate is, we’ll pay it. We offer the highest prices in Dallas and ensure all of our customers walk away satisfied.

    Recycle Brake Rotors in Dallas, TX with Action Metals Recyclers

    Action Metals Recyclers offers top-rated scrap metal recycling services in Dallas, TX. 


    We offer hassle-free recycling, which makes it worthwhile to exchange metals for cash versus letting them take up space on your property. 


    Does your vehicle have hundreds of pounds of old metal clutter ready for recycling? Turn that scrap into cash today with Action Metals Recyclers. Contact us today.

  6. aluminum recycling

    Going Beyond Cans With Aluminum Recycling

    Aluminum is one of the most commonly recycled materials, with aluminum cans being the most popular item that people recycle. However, many other aluminum products are also fully recyclable. Recycling aluminum saves energy and natural resources while reducing landfill waste. 


    If you think you have more than just cans available for aluminum recycling, let’s explore some of the many recyclable aluminum kitchen items we accept at our Dallas recycling facility.

    Aluminum Foil

    Aluminum foil is a household staple, used for cooking, storing leftovers, and more. The good news is that all aluminum foil can be recycled, despite being crinkled or having food residue stuck to it. 


    Foil is made from nearly 100% aluminum. When recycled, old aluminum foil is shredded and then melted down to make new foil, aluminum products, and other materials. 


    It’s important to note that only pure aluminum foil can be recycled. Foil with a plastic coating or foil lids from yogurt containers, for example, cannot be recycled with regular aluminum. Be sure to separate pure aluminum foil from other materials before bringing it in for recycling. Ball up loose foil to put in your recycling bin for an easier recycling process.

    Aluminum Pie Pans

    Aluminum pie pans are another common kitchen item that is fully recyclable. These disposable pans are made entirely from aluminum, with no coatings or plastic parts. Old, battered aluminum pie pans can be easily recycled to recover the aluminum for reuse. 


    If you use aluminum pie pans frequently for baking or cooking, set aside a bag or bin in your kitchen specifically for collecting the used pans. 


    When you’re ready to send them to our Dallas scrap metal recycling center, flatten any pans that are bulky before adding them to your recycling container. 


    With their high aluminum content, aluminum pie pans are far too valuable to throw in the trash when they can be recycled instead.

    Aluminum Baking Trays

    Like aluminum pie pans, aluminum baking trays are another recyclable kitchen item made solely from aluminum metal. 


    This includes baking sheets, cake pans, roasting pans, muffin tins, and any other cookware made entirely of aluminum metal.


    Unless your aluminum bakeware is heavily damaged or warped, these types of pans and trays can typically be reused many times before needing to be recycled. But when they finally do reach the end of their lifespan, either donate them if possible or add them to your collection of household metals for recycling. 


    Clean any stuck-on food residue before recycling aluminum bakeware.

    Aluminum Serving Bowls 

    Salad bowls, serving bowls, and other kitchen serving dishes made of durable aluminum metal are ideal for reuse and recycling. High-quality aluminum serving bowls may be passed down and reused for many years before needing to be recycled. More disposable aluminum bowls can also be recycled numerous times.


    When recycling aluminum salad bowls and serving dishes with our Dallas recycling team, it’s important to note that they cannot have any plastic or rubber parts, such as rubber feet or plastic handles. Only bowls made entirely from aluminum metal are recyclable. 


    As with other kitchenware, all adhesive residue and food scraps should be washed off before recycling.

    Aluminum Water Bottles

    Reusable aluminum water bottles have surged in popularity in recent years as an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic bottles. The great news is that all metal aluminum water bottles can be easily recycled over and over again at the end of their lifespan. 


    When recycling old aluminum water bottles, be sure to remove any non-metal parts like rubber stoppers, plastic lids, or neoprene sleeves. Only the aluminum bottle itself can be recycled. 


    Before sending your bottles our way, give them a quick rinse.

    Aluminum Pet Food Bowls

    Pet food and water bowls made of aluminum are another recyclable household item. As with any aluminum, pet bowls made entirely of aluminum can be repeatedly recycled. Durable aluminum pet bowls may be used for many years before needing replacement.


    To recycle, remove any non-aluminum parts like rubber bases or plastic handles. Wash the dirty bowl or rinse first. Place old aluminum pet bowls in your household recycling bin or take them to a Dallas metal recycling center. Aluminum pet bowls should never be trashed when they can easily be recycled instead.

    Make the Most From Aluminum Recycling in Dallas With Action Metals Recyclers


    From foil to cans and baking trays to pet bowls, there are far more aluminum items that can be recycled besides just cans. 


    Anything made fully from aluminum metal can and should be recycled repeatedly. Aluminum is endlessly recyclable and doing so saves massive amounts of energy and raw materials. 


    If you’re ready to unload your aluminum scraps, contact Action Metals Recyclers today! We guarantee the best prices in Dallas for your scraps and will help you make a profit as you improve the environment.


  7. metals filling up a landfill

    What Are The Environmental Impacts of Metals in a Landfill

    Metals fill up about 10% of all space in North Texas landfills. Yet, consumers can choose to help eliminate new metals being sent to landfills by recycling. You will want to help with this effort for many reasons.

    Most Metals Are not Biodegradable

    While metals can rust and corrode, they will not biodegrade. It is one of the reasons you see ancient gold and silver items when you visit a museum. Tin cans take about 250 years to decompose, while batteries take over 100 years. Therefore, keeping metals out of landfills is essential.

    Release Toxins Into the Environment

    When you throw away metals, they can release toxins into the environment. Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, and mercury are common heavy metals in landfills. The toxins from these metals are often released into the air, where they can reach farmland and enter the food chain. 

    Other times, they enter waterways where they can have a devastating effect on fish and marine life. However, heavy metals can also enter your body, which can cause brain damage, kidney, and liver failure. Lead and mercury are particularly problematic when incinerated because particles are released directly into the air.

    Even items that decompose in landfills are problematic. After a Texas rainstorm, the water flows through many Metroplex landfills. As it does, it picks up a unique substance called leachate, which is filled with toxins. Then, this polluted water enters streams and the Trinity River, where it is very harmful to fish living there and the animals living along the banks.

    Habitat Destruction

    When people choose not to recycle metals, workers in mines must dig out new metals. This can lead to habitat loss, which can have a devastating impact on the environment. Workers often experience respiratory and skin issues because of mining activities. 

    Additionally, heavy metals often become airborne and fall on nearby grazing land, where horses, goats, and cattle eat the grass and become sick. Furthermore, some animals may disappear from the earth altogether because of habitat loss.

    Produce Methane

    According to the International Solid Waste Association, landfills may cause up to 50% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. These gasses will continue to change North Texas’ climate so that summers and winters are hotter. Additionally, a particular type of flameless fire often occurs in landfills, releasing dioxin that can enter underground water sources.

    Find The Solution With Action Metals Recyclers

    The answer to keeping metals out of Metroplex landfills is to call Action Metals Recyclers. We are committed to helping Metroplex communities stay cleaner and thrive economically through scrap metal recycling. 

    Our company pays cash for steel, copper, aluminum, brass, and stainless steel. We also offer industrial site cleanup and are proud to work with several Metroplex companies to handle their industrial waste.

    We are open seven days a week and promise that every transaction follows state and local ordinances.

    Contact us today to learn more about our services.

  8. recycle-scrap-metal-for-money

    5 Top Strategies for Making Money Recycling Scrap Metal

    The holidays are around the corner, and if you have mass amounts of scrap metal lying around your property, we say make the most of your steel and trade it in for maximum profits.

    If you’re new to the scrap metal recycling game, thinking of how to turn your old scrap into cash can be harrowing. Let’s take a look at five simple ways you can turn your trash into treasure.

    1. Look for Metal Recycling Facilities in Your Area

    If you’re looking for a reliable and environmentally-friendly way to recycle metal in Dallas, you can visit several recycling centers. Recycling metal is a great way to reduce the amount of waste produced yearly and helps conserve natural resources.

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we are one of Dallas’s leading scrap metal recycling facilities. We currently accept the following metals:

      • Aluminum
      • Brass
      • Copper
      • Insulated Wire
      • Steel
      • Stainless and Other Alloys
      • Radiators, and more!


    2. Separate Different Types of Scrap Metal Before Taking it to the Recycling Center

    Before you take any scrap metal to the recycling center, separating it into different types is important. This makes the recycling process much easier and helps ensure that all of the metal is recycled properly and you get the highest prices for your goods.

    There are several ways to separate different types of scrap metal. One way is to use a magnet. Non-magnetic materials, like aluminum, can be separated from magnetic materials, like steel, by using a magnet.

    3. Check the Prices of Various Metals Online Before Selling Them

    It can be difficult to determine the value of scrap metal, but there are a few ways to get an idea of how much your metal is worth. One way is to check prices online. You can find websites listing current prices for different types of scrap metal by doing a quick search.

    This can help you get a good idea of what your metal is worth and ensure you’re getting the best price possible.

    If you’re ever in doubt, it’s also easy to reach out to Action Metals Recyclers and obtain the most up-to-date prices on all precious metals.

    4. Find Creative Ways to Recycle Metal Objects Around Your Home or Office

    Many metal objects in the home or office can be recycled. These objects include pots and pans, appliances, tools, and more. By recycling these objects, you can help reduce the amount of waste produced each year and conserve natural resources.

    5. Know How to Weigh Your Scrap Metal

    Weighing scrap metal is an important process that helps recyclers determine the value of the metal. By knowing the weight of the metal, recyclers can ensure they are getting the best price for it. There are a few ways to weigh scrap metal, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks.

    One way to weigh scrap metal is to use a scale. This is a common method used by recyclers because it is accurate and easy to use. However, not all scales are created equal.

    Some scales are designed for larger objects, while others are designed for smaller objects. Make sure you use a scale that is appropriate for the size of your scrap metal.

    Make the Most of Your Scrap Metal Today with Action Metals Recyclers

    Whether you’re a business owner, ready to clear out your supply closet or an average person with excess pots and pans cluttering up your kitchen, Action Metals Recyclers is ready to help you clean up your space.

    Our recycling center in Dallas is completely secure and offers maximum payout for all metals we accept.

    Contact us today to learn more about our recycling process.

  9. How-Does-Recycling-Save-Money-for-Consumers

    How Does Recycling Save Money for Consumers?

    Everyone wins when recycling is normalized! While most people are familiar with the environmental benefits of recycling, the truth is that responsible recycling practices also offer material benefits. Both businesses and customers benefit financially from recycling. Take a look at how recycling saves consumers money.

    How Recycling Saves Consumers Money

    Recycling saves consumers money in both direct and indirect ways. First, recycling is a powerful tool for reducing production costs during manufacturing. Manufacturers gain incredible savings from using recycled metals because they are able to avoid the need for newly mined and manufactured raw materials.

    Those lower manufacturing costs get passed on to consumers. In fact, recycling actually helps to keep the costs of aluminum, copper, iron, and steel artificially low. Many consumers don’t realize just how many common household products contain recycled materials. The list includes:

    • Cans
    • Plastics
    • Paper towels
    • Paper goods
    • Cereal boxes
    • Drink containers
    • Detergent bottles
    • Egg cartons
    • Nails
    • Trash bags
    • Newspapers


    Manufacturers Prevent Economic and Environmental Waste

    Purchasing goods made from recycled materials encourages manufacturers to continue their eco-friendly, cost-saving practices. This keeps countless tons of waste out of landfills each year.

    It also conserves minerals, timber, water, and other natural resources for future generations.

    While customers may be motivated to purchase recycled goods for cost-saving purposes, recycling also has an important health-saving purpose.

    Using recycled products instead of constantly refining “virgin” materials reduces air pollution that is linked to asthma, cancers, and other illnesses.

    Finally, reducing “new” manufacturing created by recycling helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    Job Creation and Financial Boosts

    Don’t forget that the recycling industry helps the economic health of neighborhoods and communities by creating high-paying jobs that allow workers to be on the leading edge of the eco-friendly economic revolution.

    The direct way that recycling helps consumers is by giving them a “cut” for every product they recycle. Spending just a few minutes each week at a recycling center allows consumers to be partially reimbursed for each glass bottle or aluminum can they return. Large scrap-metal items can generate significant returns!
    Is There a Dallas Recycling Facility for Scrap Metal Recycling?

    Action Metals Recyclers is Dallas’s preferred scrap metal recycling facility for residential and commercial customers eager to make money through scrapping. There’s no better way to earn money than doing what’s right for the environment. A purveyor of many different types of recyclables, Action Metals Recyclers is ready to accept your:

    • Steel
    • Copper
    • Insulated wire
    • Aluminum
    • Brass
    • Radiators
    • Stainless steel and alloys
    • Miscellaneous items

    Bring your metals to us! Capable of weighing and recycling your scrap metal using the industry’s most state-of-the-art equipment, Action Metals Recyclers promises that no scrap metal load is too heavy for our facility!

    We’re the Dallas scrap metal recyclers the DFW area has trusted since 1994. Contact us today!

  10. Industrial Recycling Action Metals

    How to Streamline Scrap Metal Recycling for Your Manufacturing Plant

    Industrial recycling may be something your manufacturing plant has yet to think about prior to this point. However, this process is something that offers a number of benefits for the operation of your business, your company reputation, and your annual profits.

    This subcategory of recycling involves taking the waste that’s generated from the processes that go on at your plant and ensuring that it’s going to go on to be used for something else. This is a much more eco-friendlier option than throwing away your scrap.

    Here are some of the other benefits of recycling your scrap metal:

    Energy Conservation

    Recycling metal allows for the conservation of energy that would otherwise be used for more metal manufacturing needs. Different amounts of energy are used to process metals, but recycling something like steel can amount to 60 percent less energy than starting with raw materials, and aluminum saves an impressive 95 percent energy.

    Creating More Jobs

    When you opt to recycle your leftover metal material, you are employing one million or more workers in this field. There is a need for more employees than if you were having scrap incinerated and disposed of. We all know that the creation of domestic jobs is incredibly important right now.

    Earning Additional Money

    Many different scrap yards and recycling companies will accept metals such as brass, aluminum, iron, copper, and steel in exchange for a monetary payment. The amount you can make will vary from one Dallas metal recyclers company to another, and the current price for those metals. Typically, it’s common for non-ferrous metals to be worth a bit more money than ferrous metals.

    Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can streamline the process of recycling scrap metal for manufacturing plants.

    Collection of Your Scrap

    It helps if you have some sort of location on site where you will collect all of your scrap metal. This could be anything from a rented collection bin to some sort of container you’ve come up with on your own.

    This is where employees will know to drop scrap so it can then be sorted, picked up, etc. Not only will this help to streamline the process of scrap metal recycling, but it can also help keep your plant safer, cleaner, and more organized.

    Sorting Your Scrap

    The most common way to sort your scrap is to separate it into ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Examples of ferrous materials would be iron or steel. Non-ferrous items would be brass, aluminum, copper, or stainless steel.

    While you could allow another company to sort your scrap for you after receiving it, it can be faster to simply drop your material into different bins before pick up. This could also get you a discount of some sort, depending on where your scrap is going.

    Scheduling a Pickup Ahead

    Have your scrap picked up from your work site to eliminate the need for transporting it yourself.

    You can usually work with a company to schedule a periodic pickup day/time so that all of your material is removed regularly. You can change the pickup frequency as needed.

    Make Scrap Metal Recycling Easier Today with Action Metals Recyclers

    If you want more information on how to streamline scrap metal recycling for your manufacturing plant, contact us at Action Metals Recyclers.

    We can help you make the most out of your recycling efforts by way of environmental preservation, easy income from scrap sales, reduced industry prices on parts and so much more.

  11. scrap-metal-recycling

    How to Conduct a Scrap Metal Audit for Your Business

    Businesses looking to increase the amount that their company recycles will benefit from conducting a scrap metal audit for their company.

    Many businesses are surprised by the number of things they can recycle instead of throwing away. Working with scrap metal recyclers in Dallas can also help your company discover all the items that can be recycled.

    What Is A Scrap Metal Recycling Audit?

    A scrap metal recycling audit is a way to look at the different items in your business that are no longer being used and determine if they can be recycled. The audit usually helps establish a recycling program and designates what will be recycled, who will manage the recycling, and where the products will be stored until you take them to the recycling company.

    What Types Of Office Products Can Be Recycled?

    Some of the items that can be recycled in an office include:

    • Filing cabinets
    • Metal office partitions
    • Warehouse shelving
    • Steel or aluminum chair frames
    • Aluminum cans
    • Metal desks
    • Shelf brackets

    Old electronic equipment, power cords, and electrical wiring can also be recycled.

    During your business audit, you may also find more items that can be recycled based on your industry. If you are a manufacturing firm, you may also include:

    • Broken steel equipment
    • Metal pallet straps
    • Steel or aluminum parts
    • Steel or aluminum that are cut off pieces from manufacturing products

    Working with your local scrap metal processing company can help you find all of the items in your specific business that can be recycled and turned for a profit.

    Tips For Scrap Metal Recycling

    Businesses help the environment when they recycle metal products. It keeps these products out of landfills, and these metals are processed and purified at the scrap yards so they can be reused to manufacture something new.

    Recycling scrap metal items also brings in a little extra cash for the company. It may not be a large amount each time, but working with the right Dallas recycling facility is enough to make recycling worth the effort.

    One of the most important things to know is that you can make more for your scrap loads by doing the following:

    • Make sure any wood, materials, or other non-metal items are removed from the scrap metal. When the recycling company does not have to do this, they will pay more for the metal.
    • Store your scrap metal so it doesn’t corrode or get rusty. Corroded or rusted material is not as valuable as metal in good condition.
    • Keep metal types sorted. Your recycling company will be able to pay more when they know what exactly is contained in each load of scrap.

    Speak With Action Metal Recyclers Today

    If you would like to set up a metal recycling program in your business, contact Action Metal Recyclers. We can help you conduct a scrap metal audit so that you know exactly what you can recycle from your business. We will be glad to help you implement a recycling plan.

    Action Metal Recyclers has served the Dallas community with pride for many years. We work with businesses of all types and with citizen recyclers. Contact us today to help you get the most from your old equipment.

  12. Can You Scrap An Old Boat

    Can You Scrap An Old Boat?

    Boats are an excellent way for Texans to get out and enjoy the waters of local lakes and nearby oceans. However, boats only have a lifespan between 10 and 20 years. Beyond that, many parts start to malfunction, repairs become more expensive, and new models start to make the eye wander.

    However, letting your boat rot at a dock or in storage isn’t the way to send off a vehicle that’s given you years of happiness. Here are some tips for scrapping your old boat.

    Not only can you get cash from a scrap metal recycler, but you’ll be putting valuable metals back into your immediate community.

    When Do You Know It’s Time to Scrap a Boat?

    Buying a boat is expensive. So, it makes sense that owners are hesitant to let go when a boat reaches its end of life.

    When your boat is no longer safe to take out on the water or just goes through more repair than recreation, it’s time to consider scrapping it.

    Although you may believe your boat will hold infinite value, the truth is that it won’t. The value of the metals you sell is based on their integrity, type, and what the market offers at any moment.

    What Scraps Can a Boat Give You?

    Boats are made from different types of materials; not all are scrapable and will end up in a landfill.

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we accept all aluminum, steel, and stainless steel that are commonly found on boats. We promise to help you separate your metals and ensure that you receive top dollar on all metals you bring to our Dallas recycling facility.

    Fiberglass is a common material found within a boat’s hull. Fiberglass isn’t a scrapable material and we cannot accept such parts from your boat.

    Top Scrapable Parts of a Boat

    Keep the following parts of your boat in mind when looking at your boat and wondering where you should start the scrapping process:

    • Engine
    • Engine Bracket
    • Seats
    • Bow Rails
    • Clean Aluminum Removed From Fiberglass
    • Fuel Tanks
    • Leaning Posts
    • Consoles
    • Brackets, and more!

    What Should You Remove Before Scrapping Your Boat?

    Much like when you scrap an automobile, there are some obvious items you will need to remove before tearing the boat apart for scraps.

    Aside from standard things like personal items and equipment, some essential things you’ll need to remove before scrapping are:

    • Plastics
    • Toxic Waste
    • Oils
    • Solvents
    • Freon from Refrigerators
    • Loose Trash

    Schedule Your Scrap Metal Drop-Off Today, With Action Metals Recyclers

    Whether you are planning to scrap a boat or need to get that pile of aluminum cans off your property, Action Metals Recyclers is ready to help. We are Dallas’s top scrap metal recycling team and guarantee top dollar on all metals we buy.

    We can pick up metals from your property or schedule a time for you to drop your metals off at our secure facility.

    Contact us today to learn more about our recycling process.


    Top 5 Tools Every Scrapper Needs

    Scrap metal recycling can be a lucrative project that earns considerable money, yet it can also involve substantial work. You should have several essential tools to perform the job correctly and economically to deliver a quality product to scrap metal recyclers in Dallas.

    You probably already know the essentials of how to begin collecting scrap metal and use basic household tools like a screwdriver, power drill, hammer, crowbar, and wrench.

    However, the best scrappers have the right equipment that improves profits, saves time, and allows you to work responsibly with metals. Here are the top five tools scrappers should have.

    1. Magnet

    A magnet is arguably the number one tool in your arsenal. They don’t have to be expensive, but magnets are essential tools for every scrapper as they help you identify and separate non-ferrous from ferrous metals.

    Even a tiny refrigerator magnet will work. Magnets will still to ferrous metals containing iron, often a steel alloy, but not those without iron. Metals containing iron are also cheaper, so many scrappers prefer to find non-ferrous metals for recycling in Dallas. If the magnet doesn’t stick, you probably have aluminum, brass, copper, zinc, or even precious metals, which will bring you more money.

    2. Metal File

    A metal file is another must-have tool as you can scratch off coatings or rust to help determine what type of metal you have. Plastic, chrome, and non-ferrous metals like copper commonly cover other metals to protect them, along with paint and rubber. Using a metal file is a simple way to scratch through surfaces to determine the type of metal below.

    3. Wire Stripper and Cable Cutters

    Serious scrappers cut a lot of wire and cable, so it makes sense to have these tools on hand. When you strip insulation from copper wire, scrap metal recyclers in Dallas will give you more money.

    A wire stripper is more time-efficient than using a razor and pliers. If you strip less than 100 pounds of wire per month, a handheld wire stripper is sufficient, but invest in a tabletop machine for larger amounts.

    4. Cordless Reciprocating Saw

    Large pieces of metal can be challenging to deal with when you’re scrapping, while at other times, you may need to cut some pieces to get to valuable parts and components. A cordless reciprocating saw will easily cut through metal and give your ultimate portability.

    You can also use the saw as a timing tool to remove imperfections that can reduce the value of your scrap.

    5. Hand Trolley

    Moving scrap metal is hard work as many pieces are heavy, so an upright hand trolley is essential for hauling scrap metal to your vehicle. Additional items like buckets or similar containers, along with ratchet straps to help secure the load, will also make the job easier.

    Bring Your Scrap Metal to Action Metals Recyclers

    Action Metals Recyclers provides top dollar for all types of metal recycling in Dallas. Our professionals can help you sort your metals and ensure you receive maximum payment for your hard work.

    Contact us today to learn more about our first-rate scrap metal recycling Services.

  14. How is Scrap Metal Recycling Good for Your Business?

    Any business from a construction company to a local restaurant is likely to create scrap metal. When this happens, one of three things typically occurs:

    1. Your employees wrongfully discard scrap metal in the garbage
    2. Your employees utilize a recycling bin you’ve placed at the office 
    3. Scrap metal sits around on your property, rusting away and going to waste

    Aside from standard recycling, the other two disposal options are harmful for the environment and do your business no favors.

    Let’s look into why your brand should focus on scrapping its metals as a way to benefit your business.

    Why is Scrapping Metal Good for Your Business?

    Your business likely accumulates metal from aluminum products, discarded wiring and cables, or even old equipment you’ve replaced and kept. We say, why keep it around when you could be doing something with it that helps your business’s reputation and financial standing.

    Scrapping is an Easy Way to Add to Your Bottom Line

    Although scrap metal prices constantly fluctuate based on supply and demand, scrapping is a great way for your business to make extra money with little effort.

    As a business, it’s possible that your location has large amounts of scrap that you can put to work towards your bottom line. Remember, though, in order to gain maximum profits from your scraps, they must be prepped and sorted.

    Each metal you bring to a scrapping center is weighed and paid out by the type. Mixing scraps leads to mixed weight results and equates to substantially less pay.

    Improve Your Reputation Within the Community

    Everyone loves a business that “goes green” whenever possible. Leaving scrap metals to waste away on your property or in a landfill only promotes the spread of e-waste and the contamination of local resources.

    Recycling your scrap metal gives you the opportunity to spread the word about reducing your brand’s environmental footprint. This can help give your reputation a boost and make your location a prime target for shoppers that support environmentally-aware businesses.

    Overall Economic Benefits

    If you really want to give your industry a boost that goes beyond environmental help, recycle scrap metal and improve the local economy. 

    Reuse is one of the key purposes of recycling. Therefore, when you contribute scrap metal to the cause, you are helping to:

    • Create more jobs in the recycling industry
    • Reduce costs for manufacturing products from recycled materials
    • Make metal-based products more affordable for consumers

    Doing your part to add these economic benefits to your industry and local communities, in turn, helps your business! When there is more money to go around, spending increases, and your recycling action could gain you more customers in the long run.

    Schedule Your Next Scrap Drop-Off With Action Metals Recyclers

    If you’re ready to better your business with scrap metal recycling, let the experts of Action Metals Recyclers help! We can help ensure your metals are accurately weighed and sorted. 

    When you recycle your scrap metal, you prove that your business doesn’t cut corners; which is why we are happy to offer you the highest scrap metal prices in Dallas.

    Contact us today to schedule your first pick-up or drop off at our Dallas recycling center.

  15. What Happens When Scrap Metal Isn't Recycled

    What Happens When Scrap Metal Isn’t Recycled?

    Recycling scrap metal is a great way to make extra cash, preserve the environment, and clear out space on your property.

    However, not everyone who has scrap metal to spare knows about the importance of recycling their unwanted metals. Leaving metals to rot on your property or out on the corner for general collection is the wrong way to handle your scraps.

    Here’s a closer look at why and what happens when scrap metal is left to waste.

    Wasted Scrap Metal Crowds Out Landfills

    Did you know that the United States alone creates over 200 million tons of waste that goes straight to local landfills? Unfortunately, a healthy portion of said waste is recyclable metals.

    According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the 2,000 landfills in the US will reach their capacity by 2035. Recycling scrap metals keep recyclable materials out of landfills and adds a little more time to make proper use of local landfills.

    Unrecycled Scraps Are a Wasted Natural Resource

    Your scrap metals come from a limited natural resource. Leaving your recyclables to deteriorate on your property or in a landfill prevents valuable metals from being reused over and over again.

    This means that more limited resources will need to be mined, putting more pressure on ever-depleting resources.

    Pollution Increase

    Aside from depleting natural resources and fossil fuels, mining new metals lead to environmental pollution from mining machinery.

    As if more greenhouse gasses weren’t bad enough, most scrap metals that go to waste stem from electronics. When electronics sit in landfills, they release harmful toxins like mercury and cadmium into the surrounding soil and water supplies.

    Even second-hand exposure to these chemicals can be fatal for humans and local wildlife.

    Increased Manufacturing Costs

    Sending scrap metal to the landfill increases the cost of metals for everyone that needs them. When mining and processing new metals are taken into account, the cost of these products skyrockets.

    New metals cost twice as much as their recycled counterparts. So, leaving your scraps to waste is literally taking money out of your or your neighbor’s pocket.

    Destroyed Natural Habitats

    Mining for new metals doesn’t just impact our access to fossil fuels and natural resources. It also harms the natural environments around the mining site. Whenever a team digs out land to gather new metals, that’s another natural habitat destroyed for the environment.

    Recycling scrap metals decreases the need for collecting new materials and lets us keep current metals in use while preserving the habitat of valuable wildlife in our communities.

    Turn in Your Scraps for Maximum Profit at Action Metals Recyclers

    If your home or business has excess amounts of scrap lying around, make the most of it with Action Metals Recyclers. We offer the best prices in Dallas for all scrap metals and can help you collect, organize, and drop off your scraps, today!

    Contact us to learn more about our services and schedule your first scrap haul-off.

  16. people dropping off scrap metal to be sold

    Scrap Metal Recycling Throughout Time

    Scrap metal recycling may seem like a modern movement, but the practice is actually centuries old. Over the years, the recycling process has evolved into what we know today.

    However, the spirit of reusing unwanted metals matters more than modern conveniences. Let’s take a look at the earliest examples of metal recycling and how our industry became what we know today.

    When in Rome…Recycle Scrap Metals!

    One of the oldest examples of metal recycling stems from ancient Rome. According to historians, the Romans used to melt down bronze coins and create bronze statues. The belief was that large, bronze statues would hold more value in the long term than their single bronze coin counterparts.

    Aside from statues, the Romans also turned to recycle during times of war and distress. During these times the Romans melted metals and jewelry, which later became weapons and other useful items.

    Pre-Industrial Europe

    Before the industrial revolution, metals weren’t as plentiful as they are today. Historic evidence shows that in Europe, people would melt down their bronze and aluminum to reuse them.

    Recycling Surges in the United States

    Abraham Lincoln’s southern port blockades during the Civil War started a recycling surge.

    While cut off from access to metals, southerners donated scrap metals like gates, pots, pans, farming equipment, and spent ammunition to support their war efforts.

    World War II

    Although there was scrap recycling during World War I, World War II was where the practice proved its value to Americans.

    When the United States entered World War II, the nation turned to metal recycling as a valuable wartime practice.

    During World War II, Americans were still recovering from The Great Depression. Conserving the metals the nation had on hand was necessary. In response to the war, the government organized scrap metal programs that collected all amounts of tin, aluminum, copper, and steel.

    According to an article from Farm Collector, the United States had enough scrap metal to build thousands of tanks, airplanes, weapons, and other materials.

    These programs also encouraged children to donate their efforts and do their part to help America succeed in the war.

    The 1960s to Modern Times

    After World War II, the push for recycling scrap metal dwindled down. The 1950s are notorious for being a time of rampant consumerism. However, once the late 1960s arrived, so did the recent movement for mainstream recycling.

    Since then, recycling has become a pillar of environmental conservation and economic growth. Scrap metal recycling creates over 500,000 jobs for Americans. It also keeps metal products at reasonable prices.

    Continue the Recycling Revolution With Action Metals Recyclers

    Scrap metal recycling is a practice that will continue to withstand the test of time. Make your mark in history and do something productive with the scraps around your property.

    The team at Action Metals Recyclers opens our doors for your donations and will even collect your scraps on request. We are Dallas’ highest-paying scrap metal recycling facility and are ready to help you make a difference.

    Contact us today to schedule your first drop-off.

  17. Scrap Metal Recycling FAQs

    Scrap Metal Recycling – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    To the team at Action Metals Recyclers, scrap metal recycling is just another day in life. Sometimes, we admit that it’s easy to take our daily operations in stride and remember that people and businesses that want to recycle scrap metal may have questions about our practices.

    We’ve gathered a shortlist of our most common scrap metal questions to get new recyclers started. Let our answers help you make the most value out of your property’s scrap metal.

    Is Scrap Metal Recycling Something the Public Can Do?

    Some people wrongfully think that only construction sites and major corporations can utilize scrap metal recycling programs. However, facilities like Action Metals Recyclers are, in fact, open to the public for recycling practices.

    Regardless of the number of metals you may have to recycle, it’s in your best interest to practice scrap metal recycling.

    Aside from earning cash for your metals, recycling:

    • Saves natural resources
    • Prevents landfill overflow
    • Decreases pollution
    • Helps out the overall economy

    How Much Can People Make From Scrap Metal?

    While it’s difficult to determine just how much anyone can make from scrap metal at any time, we can say which metals generate the most income for customers that recycle their scraps.

    Copper, aluminum, brass, lead, and stainless steel can all give recyclers an excellent return on their investment. Keep in mind that prices of scrap metals fluctuate based on supply and demand. So, knowing where the market is before you scrap can be beneficial to your efforts.

    What Metals Cannot Be Scrapped?

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we accept most scrap collections, but there are definitely materials that we simply cannot legally accept.

    Two metals that we can’t accept are rarely touched by the average person (Uranium, Plutonium) However, we do have a list of the metals that a person can’t recycle at a facility:

    • Scrap metals contaminated with asbestos
    • Refrigerants
    • Public property metals (i.e. manholes, street signs, etc.)

    What’s the Difference Between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals?

    Ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals are terms that are constantly used throughout the recycling process. Knowing the difference between the two can help a new recycler accurately estimate the value of their scrap metal haul.

    Ferrous Metals

    Ferrous metals are metals that contain properties like iron and stainless steel. They have magnetic capabilities but are most known for their strength and use throughout building construction, railway construction, tools, fences, and gates.

    Non-Ferrous Metals

    Non-Ferrous metals don’t contain iron and are generally lighter and more pliable than ferrous metals. Non-Ferrous metals can be found everywhere from copper piping to food cans, and automobile parts. Non-Ferrous metals are also typically more valuable when sold to a recycling company.

    What if I Have a Large Quantity of Scrap Metal?

    If you have a property with a large amount of scrap metal laying around, recycling with Action Metals Recyclers is the best option for an effective process that accurately determines a maximum payment for your scraps.

    Our state-of-the-art equipment from magnetic attachments to hydraulic shears and accurate, certified scales, guarantee a safe recycling process that keeps even the largest amounts of scrap metal out of landfills and prepares them best for future industrial use.

    Make the Most of Your Scrap Metal Recycling at Action Metals Recyclers

    If you’re ready to start recycling scrap metal but still have questions that go beyond our common starter questions, the team at Action Metals Recyclers is always ready to help.

    Our secure recycling center is located in Dallas and is open to the public 7 days a week. We are always ready to welcome new customers and pay them top dollar for their scrap metals.

    Contact us today to schedule your next drop-off or pickup.

  18. Why does scrap metal pricing fluctuate?

    Why Does Scrap Metal Pricing Fluctuate?

    Many industrial businesses and people that collect scrap metal rely on scrap metal pricing to help them bring in some extra cash for their scraps.

    However, it can be frustrating at times when a person goes to sell scrap metal only to find that the price has fluctuated in a direction that doesn’t meet their expectations. Fortunately, knowing why scrap metal prices fluctuate can be the key to keeping an eye on the best times to sell mass amounts of scrap metal to recyclers.

    Supply and Demand

    The scrap industry also fluctuates based on the supply and demand of metals. Higher demand for metals and the output of projects that require metals would naturally increase the price of scrap metal.

    Keep in mind that as supply continues to grow and that demand begins to decrease, there will be a surplus of metals and the prices will begin to reduce.

    Fluctuation of Virgin Metal Prices

    The current price of virgin metal mined from a direct source is closely linked to how scrap metal is priced. In essence, when the price of virgin metals increases, industries that require those metals will seek materials elsewhere, like from the scrap metal industry.

    However, as we’ve seen, as the demand for scrap metal increases, so will the price of these recycled materials. Therefore, it’s clear to see that when virgin metals shift in value, so will the value of scrap metals sold to a recycling facility.

    Import Costs

    The United States is known for importing large amounts of virgin metals from other countries. However, moving metals across international borders comes with its share of fuel and shipping costs that heavily influence the value of scrap metals.

    As import costs increase or decrease, the local demand for scrap metals will also fluctuate as industries either flock towards or move away from purchasing domestically recycled scrap metals. When this happens, the price of scrap metal naturally increases or decreases with the current consumer demand.

    Market Prices

    Local market price fluctuations can also impact scrap metal prices. From transporting metals to a recycling facility to the actual process of breaking down the materials, materials like gasoline, electricity, and coal literally keep the recycling process moving.

    If the cost for local fuel increases so does the price of metal; with the inverse situation also being true. So, if you notice your local gas prices fluctuating, you can be certain that the price your metals sell for will be higher or lower than your last visit to a recycling facility.

    Earn the Best Prices for Scrap Metal at Action Metals Recyclers

    If you have a large amount of ferrous or non-ferrous scrap metal on your property, Action Metals Recyclers is eager to help you turn your trash into treasure.

    We offer the best prices for scrap metal in Dallas and have on-site equipment to guarantee your scraps are properly separated, weighed, and priced.

    Contact us today to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment for pickup or drop-off at our Dallas recycling facility.

    We’re ready to help you make the world a cleaner, more efficient place.

  19. The Scrap Metal Recycling Process

    A Look at the Process of Scrap Metal Recycling

    The process of transforming unwanted scrap metals into usable metal bars and sheets is one of the most remarkable achievements stem from the recycling movement.

    While most people understand the profitability and environmental benefits of recycling ferrous and non-ferrous metals, the process itself is one that often goes unnoticed once scraps enter the hands of recycling professionals.

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we are proud of the services we provide to the Dallas community and are eager to show you a step-by-step look into the scrap metal recycling process we work with 365 days per year!

    How to Prepare for Scrap Metal Recycling

    The first unofficial step in the recycling process is actually something that our customers are responsible for.

    In order to effectively prep your metals, wave a magnet over your scraps. If the magnet sticks to your scraps they have iron in them and are considered ferrous. Once you’ve separated your ferrous from non-ferrous metals, you can take your sorting a step further by separating your copper, aluminum, and steel metals.

    Prepping your ferrous and non-ferrous metals helps speed up the recycling process and ensure that a customer is properly compensated for their precious metals.

    5 Steps of the Scrap Metal Recycling Process

    Once your metals are prepped and sorted, the actual recycling process begins!

    Initial Collection

    Sometimes the hardest part about getting the recycling process started is moving scraps off of your property. Whether you drop off your scrap metals on your own or organize a scheduled pickup with a local recycling company, collecting your scrap metals is the first step towards clearing out your clutter and turning your scraps into useful products.

    Sorting Your Metals

    Even if you’ve already sorted your scrap metals, a recycling company will strip and re-sort your metals for quality assurance.

    Metals are recycled and sold by type and cleanliness. So, in order to ensure you get paid the maximum amount for your metals, it’s essential that your scrap recycling company performs this process with a professional touch.

    Processing & Shredding

    Once the metals are sorted, they are processed and squeezed into as compact a form as possible. This allows for easier conveyor belt use as cut and compacted metals make their way towards hammer mills where they are further shredded into even smaller metal pieces in preparation for the purification process.

    Melting & Purification

    Once scrap metals have been reduced they are then sent to specific furnaces that will meltdown each metal based on its makeup. Although the melting process can take hours, it’s still a very environmentally friendly practice that requires fewer resources than mining new metals.

    After melting, scrap metals are purified to separate contaminants from the metals and ensure that all metals form a final quality product during solidification.

    Final Solidification

    At the end of the recycling process, melted metals are sent through cooling chambers where they are solidified into sheets or compacted blocks. From there, the metals are sent to manufacturing facilities where they are used in the greener production of brand new products.

    Create a Greener Tomorrow with the Help of Action Metals Recyclers

    If you are a business owner or Dallas resident that has a large amount of scrap metal collecting on your property, now is the time to clear out your space and put your scraps to good use. With the help of Action Metals Recyclers, recycling your scrap metals can prevent the pollution of landfills and contribute to a cleaner environment and healthier industrial economy.

    Reach out to us today to learn more about the recycling process or schedule your next scrap metal pickup or drop-off.

  20. Scrap Metal Recycling Myths

    5 Scrap Metal Recycling Myths: Busted!

    Scrap metal recycling is a process that comes with several economic and environmental benefits. One would think that anyone with pieces of ferrous or non-ferrous scrap lying around their property would jump at the opportunity to sell their scraps at the best price for a great cause.

    However, there are several myths surrounding our industry that either keep people away or leave them feeling disappointed with the process, only to never attempt to recycle scraps again.

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we believe in total transparency when it comes to our recycling services. Let’s clear the air on some of these myths that could be keeping you from making a profit on your scrap metal collection.

    Myth 1: Recycling Metal Isn’t Economical

    Recycling scrap metals is a much more cost-effective process than using valuable resources to collect and process virgin metals. Not only does recycling metal save money when creating metal-based products, but it also prevents the financial waste of metal scraps left to rot away on a person’s property and in public landfills.

    Myth 2: Bigger Scrap Pieces Sell for Bigger Prices

    As we mentioned before, some people believe myths like this one and walk away discouraged after they don’t come away with a big sale from a large piece of scrap. While you may have a valuable piece of large steel, it still needs to be broken down into smaller pieces in order to guarantee safer shredding.

    If a recycling facility has to prep your metals for you, the chances are that you will get a reduced price on an oversized piece of scrap metal. In order to ensure that you get your money’s worth, reach out to your local metal recycling facility and find out the size limitations of their shredders.

    If your scrap metal pieces are too large, you may be better off prepping the metals yourself and selling your scraps for their true value at a recycling facility.

    Myth 3: Landfills Can Just Take My Scraps

    Many people believe that landfills are in place to let any “garbage” slowly decompose. While metals are a common item found in landfills, when they are left to waste, means they are unable to be recycled and end up contributing to the depletion of resources and the spread of greenhouse gas emissions that stem from mining.

    Also, many electronics that contain metals are left in landfills where they spread toxins like lead and mercury into the environment’s surrounding water and soil.

    Therefore, while a landfill can technically take your scraps, the most environmentally-friendly way to dispose of them is through a certified recycling facility.

    Myth 4: Scrap Metal Isn’t in Demand

    Many industries these days are focused on reducing their environmental footprint on society. Therefore, when the need for valuable metals arises, many industries turn to metals created from scrap metals at recycling centers.

    So, that scrap on your property is definitely in demand and could help create immediate growth opportunities within your community.

    Myth 5: Scrap Metal Recycling is Dangerous

    When people think of scrap metal recycling, large, dangerous pieces of machinery quickly come to mind. Yes, the powerful equipment at a recycling facility can lead to injuries with the improper operation.

    However, recycling facilities must follow OSHA guidelines that ensure all customers and employees are as safe as possible while on-site.

    At Action Metals we pride ourselves on being an organized and safe recycling facility in every way possible. From physical security protection for customers to qualified team members safely carrying out recycling operations, we guarantee a safe environment for anyone who relies on us to collect their ferrous and non-ferrous scraps.

    Recycle Your Scrap Metals Efficiently Today, With Action Metals Recyclers

    If you’re ready to take the leap into scrap metal recycling, look no further than Action Metals Recyclers. We are a fully licensed recycling facility that is able to buy scrap metal loads of any weight at the highest price possible.

    Contact us today to schedule your drop-off appointment or to learn more about the benefits of scrap metal recycling.

  21. Truck In Metal Scrap Yard In Dallas, Texas

    What’s The Difference Between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal?

    At Action Metals Recyclers has been in business since 1994. Our extensive experience with recycling ferrous and non-ferrous metals has made our process move like clockwork.

    However, for those who are on the hunt for scrap metals to sell to a recycling facility, the difference between the two types of metals may not be as obvious to you as it is to us.

    Let’s take a closer look at what these different types of metals are and the different qualities that make one type stand apart from the other.

    What Are Ferrous Metals?

    Ferrous metals are primarily composed of iron. The word ‘ferrous’ comes from the Latin word ‘ferrum’ meaning iron. Some of the most common items that are made from ferrous metals are:

    • Ductwork
    • Rebar
    • Pallet racking
    • Household appliances (refrigerators, water heaters, washers/dryers)
    • Car motors, and more!

    These metals make up a massive portion of the scrap metals recycled at our Dallas facility. Every year, more than 500 million tons of ferrous metals are recycled and repurposed for consumer use.

    What Are Non-Ferrous Metals?

    Non-ferrous metals do not contain any appreciable amounts of iron. Some of the most common non-ferrous metals that we accept at Action Metals Recyclers are:

    What’s the Difference Between the Two Metals?

    On the surface, all of these metals may seem like equal scraps, but upon closer inspection from a professional metal recycling company, the differences between ferrous and non-ferrous metals are actually quite vast.


    One of the biggest differences between ferrous and non-ferrous metals is their magnetic capabilities. Magnets will stick to ferrous metals like household appliances or pieces of iron scraps.

    Non-ferrous metals like aluminum, brass, copper & lead do not create any magnetism.


    Ferrous metals contain iron and non-ferrous metals do not. This means that in most instances, ferrous metals oxidate and will eventually rust over time.

    Get Paid for Your Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Today, With Action Metals Recyclers

    Whether you have ferrous or non-ferrous metals in your possession, Action Metals Recyclers is ready to buy your collection off of you! Our Dallas scrap metal recycling facility offers the highest prices in the city and guarantees a safe customer experience with every transaction.

    Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule your next pickup or drop-off at our recycling facility.

  22. Successful Scrap Metal Collection Tips

    Top 4 Tips for Successful Scrap Metal Collection

    Collecting scrap metal is one of the most interesting ways a person can make a little extra money on the side. However, scrap metal collecting is so much more than just picking up scraps found on the side of the road.

    If you are a community member interested in collecting ferrous scrap metal make sure the work is worth your effort. 

    Follow these top tips for scrap metal collection practices that pay off.

    Know Metals and Grading

    Understanding the different types of metals that a recycling company accepts for cash is the first step towards making the most of recycling scrap metal.

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we make understanding profitable metals easy! Our facility accepts all major ferrous and non-ferrous metals that include:

    • Steel
    • Copper
    • Aluminum
    • Brass
    • Insulated Wires
    • Stainless Steel, and more!

    It’s recommended that you understand the specific grading that comes with a scrap metal sale. However, grading your metal’s alloy composition and state of wear can be tedious. A good recycling specialist can quickly help you determine an accurate grade for your materials and give you the maximum price for your scraps!

    Stay on Top of the Prices of Metals

    Knowing when to sell is the name of the game! As with all markets, the prices that different metals sell fluctuate with supply and demand.

    Using a site like Daily Metal Price or just reaching out to Action Metals can give you the best determination of when to sell your scraps at the right price.

    Know Where to Find Specific Types of Metals

    The biggest obstacle to beat when hunting down scrap metal is wasting time on fruitless searches. Knowing where to legally acquire scraps is essential.

    So, start simple. Drive around your surrounding neighborhoods and look for unwanted auto parts or appliances that are left on the curb. In Texas, if it’s on the curb, it’s fair game for people passing by.

    Aside from curbside pickups, office buildings and demolition sites are excellent places to find scrap metals. Keep in mind that in order to avoid trespassing, always ask to speak to a location manager to ensure that they are aware of your desire to take their unwanted scrap metal off of their hands.

    Scrap Prepared for Safety

    Finally, what’s the point of enjoying the money you earn from scrap metal recycling if it’s used to cover medical bills you rack up during the hunt?

    Picking metals from curbsides and demolition sites can result in injuries if you’re not safe.

    So, before you go out on your first hunt, invest in some of these essential safety items:

    • A reflective vest
    • Safety glasses
    • Gloves
    • A basic first aid kit to keep in your vehicle.

    Turn a Profit on Your Scrap Metal Collection at Action Metals Recyclers

    If you’ve been collecting ferrous and non-ferrous metals, don’t hold onto your scraps for a rainy day. Sell your metals now and ensure that you get the highest price possible for your efforts.

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we are proud to offer the highest prices for scrap metal recycling in Dallas for all types of metals to our customers. We will come to you for pickup or you can visit our secure recycling facility for an easy drop-off.

    Either way, contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can turn your scrap collection into a financial gain.

  23. An excavator sorting for metal recycling in Dallas, TX

    How Does Society Use Recycled Scrap Metal?

    We all know that recycling is a great way to improve the environment around us. However, what exactly happens to the scrap metal that we buy off of customers?

    It may seem odd to really consider how old scraps of steel and copper are used to create completely new products, but the truth is that they create a lot more than most people realize that they use.

    Here’s a closer look at different uses for recycled scrap metal and why you should continue bringing your ferrous and non-ferrous scraps to local metal recycling facilities.

    Industrial Uses

    Recycled metals drastically reduce the mining of scarce and essential materials used throughout the industrial and manufacturing industries. These sectors greatly benefit from recycled metal scraps and create everyday essential goods and products like:

    • Appliances
    • Industrial containers
    • Ductwork
    • Plumbing
    • Aircrafts
    • Automobiles


    The construction industry doesn’t just use recycled metals for interior building materials. Recycled metals are used to create the total framework of residential and commercial projects alike.

    Recycled steel and aluminum are easily used to create beams, roofing materials, and windows that help make any construction project a little greener and cost-effective.

    Consumer Home Uses

    It’s so exciting to know that the scrap a person sells today could be the furniture you purchase tomorrow. Both indoor and outdoor furnishing can be made from recycled metals.

    Some of the most durable and often used household items that are created from recycled materials include:

    • Essential appliances
    • Lamps
    • Banisters
    • Tables
    • Office supplies
    • File cabinets
    • Chairs
    • Benches


    One of the most common uses for recycled metals is packaging for various products bought by the average consumer. Aluminum is often transformed into cans and foil packaging that hold favorite food and drink items found in a grocery store.

    Although this isn’t news to most people, what is interesting about this result of recycling, is the energy and resources the process saves.

    On average, recycling scraps to create packaging products saves 95 percent of the energy that would otherwise be used to collect and produce the materials from scratch.

    Are There Actual Benefits to Purchasing Recycled Products?

    Yes, saving the environment is great, but how does purchasing products made from recycled materials actually benefit the consumer? Well, not only do recycled materials make it easier for manufacturers to create the above products but they also make the products more accessible and inexpensive for the consumer.

    So, recycling scrap materials is ultimately a huge win for consumers because not only do they have the opportunity to make money off of their efforts, but they also save money in the long run when purchasing recycled products.

    Start Benefiting Your Community Today, With Action Metal Recyclers

    If you have ferrous or non-ferrous metal scraps that you need off of your property, the recycling team at Action Metals Recyclers is prepared to help you with a quick pick up or drop off.

    Contact us today to learn more about our pricing opportunities and how we can help you do your part to improve the environment.

  24. An excavator at a metal recycling yard in Dallas, TX

    Do’s and Don’ts of Scrap Metal Recycling

    Scrap metal recycling is an easy way for a community member or business owner to help out the environment and make some decent money on the side.

    However, the process isn’t as clean cut as just dumping your scrap at a local recycling facility. Before you schedule a drop-off at a scrap metal recycling yard near you, make sure that your preparation follows these standard do’s and don’ts.

    The Do’s of Scrap Recycling

    Fortunately, the prep work for successful recycling isn’t very daunting. Here are some of the best things you can do to make the process of getting paid for your scrap quick and lucrative.

    Separate Your Scraps

    Different metals yield different reward amounts. So, make you and your recycler’s lives easier by sorting out your metals by type for faster processing. We know that this may take some time on your part, but as a recycling company that loves to pay top-dollar on scrap metals, we’d hate to see our clients get short-changed because they failed to properly separate their valuable metals.

    Get to Know Your Local Recyclers

    Not every recycling company is going to offer the highest prices for your metals, and not every company is going to offer a quality experience. 

    Before you make the choice to sell your ferrous and non-ferrous metals, take some time to understand the business you’re working with. 

    You want three key qualities from a scrap metal recycling company:

    1. Excellent security
    2. Prices offered at the highest market value
    3. Equipment that produces accurate weights

    Action Metals Recyclers offers all three of these qualities and more to our customers and are ready to give you service that makes us your go-to metal recycling company whenever you need to unload your scraps.

    Clean Your Scrap

    Many metals come with screws and attachments that are made from other metals. “Cleaning” your scrap is simply stripping down your metals into individual pieces of specific metals

    Not only does this contribute to our earlier separation tip, but some of the attached metals could fetch a higher price point when sold with its own type of metal rather than being mixed in with lower yielding materials.

    The Don’ts to Always Stay Away From

    Whenever you want to make some money off of your metals, make sure to avoid these costly and sometimes illegal tricks.

    Don’t Collect Illegal Scrap

    While a person should never break the law and steal metal scraps like copper and steel from properties and construction sites, some areas don’t even allow curbside scrap collection.

    Before you pick up that piece of metal your neighbors tossed to the curb for collection, make sure that your county doesn’t frown on the practice, resulting in your money earned going towards a large fine.

    Don’t Try to Mix Your Metals

    We’ve already shown that mixing metals can result in lower sales effects, which ultimately harms your efforts. 

    However, if you are caught mixing metals with the intent of making more money off of low-quality scraps, you’ll promptly be turned away and placed on notice with other recycling companies throughout the area.

    Make the Right Recycling Choice With Action Metals Recyclers

    If you have any questions about recycling scrap metals, Action Metals Recyclers is ready to help you out. Contact us today to learn more about our recycling services and how we can help you make money off of ferrous and non-ferrous metals lying around your property.

  25. What Are The Advantages to Recycling Scrap Metal?

    What Are the Advantages of Recycling Scrap Metal?

    Recycling has been a massive societal initiative for decades. However, while most people consider recycling to be mainly a plastics and paper situation, the truth is that ferrous and non-ferrous metals are also key to the successful efforts of recycling.

    At Action Metals Recyclers, we specialize in recycling an assortment of metals and are proud of the advantages we provide to our customers and surrounding communities.

    What Metals Can You Recycle?

    At Action Metals, we accept some of the most common scrap metals that individuals and industrial sites have lying around cluttering up their space. 

    Some of the metals we can take off of our client’s hands include:

    • Steel (AKA Ferrous Scrap)
    • Copper 
    • Insulated Wire
    • Aluminum
    • Brass
    • Radiators
    • Stainless and Other Alloys, and more!

    What Are the Advantages of Recycling Scrap Metal?

    So, if you have scrap metal that you need to get rid of, why recycle it over taking it down to a landfill? Here are 4 of the biggest reasons why you should always bring any scrap metals you have down to Action Metals Recyclers for a safe and efficient recycling process.

    You Can Get Paid Top Dollar

    Scrap metal recycling facilities like Action Metals Recyclers will often pay their customers for the scrap they donate. While the amount of cash earned fluctuates with the current markets and financial capabilities of a recycling company, Action Metals Recyclers is dedicated to purchasing scrap metals at the highest price point possible.

    Recycling Reduces Overcrowded Landfills

    Metal is a form of waste that should never find its way into a landfill. Metal takes between 50 and 500 years to compose. 

    Landfills themselves are already overcrowded as it is. So, when mass amounts of metal are left to rot in a landfill, they take up precious space and actually end up promoting pollution and littering as people wrongfully try to find alternative areas to dispose of their regular waste.

    Scrap Metal Recycling Saves Energy and Resources

    It takes far less energy and resources to recycle metals into new products than it does to create them from scratch. When this happens not only are greenhouse emissions reduced but there are also economic benefits to be had.

    When scrap metal is recycled into new products, the cost of creating these metal products reduces. Therefore, recycled products are able to be sold at lower price points for the general public.

    Reap the Benefits of Recycling Today, With Action Metals Recyclers

    Action Metals Recyclers is Dallas’s most trusted scrap metals recycling facility. We are open to the public 7 days a week and are ready to take in any amount of scrap that our customers have to offer. Whether you need us to pick up your scrap or schedule an appointment for a swift drop-off, our recycling facility will make your scrap collection worth the effort.

    We pay the highest prices in the city and are ready to create a win-win situation for you and the environment. Contact us today to learn more about our services.