The Action Metals Recyclers Blog

Can You Scrap An Old Boat
Metal Recycling

Can You Scrap An Old Boat?

Boats are an excellent way for Texans to get out and enjoy the waters of local lakes and nearby oceans. However, boats only have a lifespan between 10 and 20 years. Beyond that, many parts start to malfunction, repairs become more expensive, and new models start to make the eye wander. However, letting your boat

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Metal Recycling

Top 5 Tools Every Scrapper Needs

Scrap metal recycling can be a lucrative project that earns considerable money, yet it can also involve substantial work. You should have several essential tools to perform the job correctly and economically to deliver a quality product to scrap metal recyclers in Dallas. You probably already know the essentials of how to begin collecting scrap

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How is Scrap Metal Recycling Good for Your Business?

Any business from a construction company to a local restaurant is likely to create scrap metal. When this happens, one of three things typically occurs: Your employees wrongfully discard scrap metal in the garbage Your employees utilize a recycling bin you’ve placed at the office  Scrap metal sits around on your property, rusting away and

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The Beginner’s Guide to Scrap Metal Recycling

Summer’s here, and many people are looking for ways to spend their free time and make a little extra money. Scrapping is one of the best ways to stay active, make money, and preserve the environment this summer. If you’re brand new to scrap metal recycling, now is the time to get involved. Here’s a

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scrape materials
Radiator Recycling

How to Prepare Your Car or Truck for Scrapping

Recycling your old vehicle for scrap metal is a great way to get rid of the car, make money, and protect the environment. Knowing how to prep your car for scrap recycling can ensure that the process runs smoothly and that you get the most money for your old vehicle. 1. Get Your Paperwork Together

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What Happens When Scrap Metal Isn't Recycled
Metal Recycling

What Happens When Scrap Metal Isn’t Recycled?

Recycling scrap metal is a great way to make extra cash, preserve the environment, and clear out space on your property. However, not everyone who has scrap metal to spare knows about the importance of recycling their unwanted metals. Leaving metals to rot on your property or out on the corner for general collection is

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