Monthly Archives: November, 2021

  1. An excavator sorting for metal recycling in Dallas, TX

    How Does Society Use Recycled Scrap Metal?

    We all know that recycling is a great way to improve the environment around us. However, what exactly happens to the scrap metal that we buy off of customers?

    It may seem odd to really consider how old scraps of steel and copper are used to create completely new products, but the truth is that they create a lot more than most people realize that they use.

    Here’s a closer look at different uses for recycled scrap metal and why you should continue bringing your ferrous and non-ferrous scraps to local metal recycling facilities.

    Industrial Uses

    Recycled metals drastically reduce the mining of scarce and essential materials used throughout the industrial and manufacturing industries. These sectors greatly benefit from recycled metal scraps and create everyday essential goods and products like:

    • Appliances
    • Industrial containers
    • Ductwork
    • Plumbing
    • Aircrafts
    • Automobiles


    The construction industry doesn’t just use recycled metals for interior building materials. Recycled metals are used to create the total framework of residential and commercial projects alike.

    Recycled steel and aluminum are easily used to create beams, roofing materials, and windows that help make any construction project a little greener and cost-effective.

    Consumer Home Uses

    It’s so exciting to know that the scrap a person sells today could be the furniture you purchase tomorrow. Both indoor and outdoor furnishing can be made from recycled metals.

    Some of the most durable and often used household items that are created from recycled materials include:

    • Essential appliances
    • Lamps
    • Banisters
    • Tables
    • Office supplies
    • File cabinets
    • Chairs
    • Benches


    One of the most common uses for recycled metals is packaging for various products bought by the average consumer. Aluminum is often transformed into cans and foil packaging that hold favorite food and drink items found in a grocery store.

    Although this isn’t news to most people, what is interesting about this result of recycling, is the energy and resources the process saves.

    On average, recycling scraps to create packaging products saves 95 percent of the energy that would otherwise be used to collect and produce the materials from scratch.

    Are There Actual Benefits to Purchasing Recycled Products?

    Yes, saving the environment is great, but how does purchasing products made from recycled materials actually benefit the consumer? Well, not only do recycled materials make it easier for manufacturers to create the above products but they also make the products more accessible and inexpensive for the consumer.

    So, recycling scrap materials is ultimately a huge win for consumers because not only do they have the opportunity to make money off of their efforts, but they also save money in the long run when purchasing recycled products.

    Start Benefiting Your Community Today, With Action Metal Recyclers

    If you have ferrous or non-ferrous metal scraps that you need off of your property, the recycling team at Action Metals Recyclers is prepared to help you with a quick pick up or drop off.

    Contact us today to learn more about our pricing opportunities and how we can help you do your part to improve the environment.

  2. An excavator at a metal recycling yard in Dallas, TX

    Do’s and Don’ts of Scrap Metal Recycling

    Scrap metal recycling is an easy way for a community member or business owner to help out the environment and make some decent money on the side.

    However, the process isn’t as clean cut as just dumping your scrap at a local recycling facility. Before you schedule a drop-off at a scrap metal recycling yard near you, make sure that your preparation follows these standard do’s and don’ts.

    The Do’s of Scrap Recycling

    Fortunately, the prep work for successful recycling isn’t very daunting. Here are some of the best things you can do to make the process of getting paid for your scrap quick and lucrative.

    Separate Your Scraps

    Different metals yield different reward amounts. So, make you and your recycler’s lives easier by sorting out your metals by type for faster processing. We know that this may take some time on your part, but as a recycling company that loves to pay top-dollar on scrap metals, we’d hate to see our clients get short-changed because they failed to properly separate their valuable metals.

    Get to Know Your Local Recyclers

    Not every recycling company is going to offer the highest prices for your metals, and not every company is going to offer a quality experience. 

    Before you make the choice to sell your ferrous and non-ferrous metals, take some time to understand the business you’re working with. 

    You want three key qualities from a scrap metal recycling company:

    1. Excellent security
    2. Prices offered at the highest market value
    3. Equipment that produces accurate weights

    Action Metals Recyclers offers all three of these qualities and more to our customers and are ready to give you service that makes us your go-to metal recycling company whenever you need to unload your scraps.

    Clean Your Scrap

    Many metals come with screws and attachments that are made from other metals. “Cleaning” your scrap is simply stripping down your metals into individual pieces of specific metals

    Not only does this contribute to our earlier separation tip, but some of the attached metals could fetch a higher price point when sold with its own type of metal rather than being mixed in with lower yielding materials.

    The Don’ts to Always Stay Away From

    Whenever you want to make some money off of your metals, make sure to avoid these costly and sometimes illegal tricks.

    Don’t Collect Illegal Scrap

    While a person should never break the law and steal metal scraps like copper and steel from properties and construction sites, some areas don’t even allow curbside scrap collection.

    Before you pick up that piece of metal your neighbors tossed to the curb for collection, make sure that your county doesn’t frown on the practice, resulting in your money earned going towards a large fine.

    Don’t Try to Mix Your Metals

    We’ve already shown that mixing metals can result in lower sales effects, which ultimately harms your efforts. 

    However, if you are caught mixing metals with the intent of making more money off of low-quality scraps, you’ll promptly be turned away and placed on notice with other recycling companies throughout the area.

    Make the Right Recycling Choice With Action Metals Recyclers

    If you have any questions about recycling scrap metals, Action Metals Recyclers is ready to help you out. Contact us today to learn more about our recycling services and how we can help you make money off of ferrous and non-ferrous metals lying around your property.